The subject line pretty much says it all. I should be. But I’ve been neglecting my ever-faithful blog and I feel like rambling for a few minutes. Who cares if I have a Statistics test tomorrow.
I haven’t been updating lately both because I’ve been busy and because I just haven’t felt like I’ve got much of interest to say. So don’t expect this post to be interesting.
My busy-ness has a lot to do with my current enrollment at HACC (Harrisburg Area Community College for those of you not in the Harrisburg area), but not as much as it should. I was expecting that I’d at least have a little bit of trouble juggling 12 credits and my normal life, and while I have been neglecting some aspects of my normal life, I’m also rather underwhelmed by my classes. Of course no community college is really going to be a bastion of education, and I hate to sound like a snob, but I’m pretty appalled at the caliber of the courses I’m taking. The professors are not top notch, to say the least, but the bigger problem is the complete apathy of most of the students. I hear a lot of jokes about HACC being the 13th grade, but I was unprepared for how true it is. Two of my professors are pretty clear that they know better than to ask us to do any work and the other two seem to expect that we won’t but ask us to anyway. I have, at least once in every class, felt pressure to be stupid in a way I haven’t experienced since I left Red Land seven years ago. Meanwhile, the students all have that glazed over look that makes me wonder if anyone in the class is alive or if HACC has brought in a number of cadavers to make their enrollment numbers look better.
I hear a lot of good things about HACC. I am not questioning the integrity of the people who have related them to me. I guess the key is taking classes online or in the evenings when it’s a more adult crowd. Somewhere along the line I must have accidentally become an adult — I don’t know how I’m going to survive another semester of high school.
Anyway…The rest of my time recently has been spent hanging out with Kevin or working on a new site for The Circle School. Both are infinitely more fun than being at HACC, and I’m really excited about the CSS stuff I’m learning from Kevin for application on TCS’s site. I hope to eventually implement some of it here, too.
On a completely unrelated note, my mom keeps talking about this John Kerry quote that she loves, and while I’m nearly as underwhelmed by him as I am by HACC, I do like the quote.
“… not pray that God is on our side, … pray that we are on God’s side.”
Good night.