crisis of doubt

Have you ever been somewhere you probably shouldn’t be, then seen something you probably shouldn’t see, and then need to tell everyone about it?

Well, I hate to admit it, but tonight I just had to go and check out my ex-boyfriend’s blog, and I had to get all intrigued by the quote he’d recently posted. That let me to google Andrew Boyd, which eventually led to the discovery of Skeptical Mysticism.

“I am One with a God I do not believe in.”

activist judges?

The Supreme Court announced today that federal laws governing marijuana trump state laws. The court’s not saying that it agrees with the federal law, necessarily, only that Congress really does have jurisdiction. As always, that jurisdiction stems from the “Commerce Clause”, which says that Congress has the power to regular interstate commerce. Whether or not this really counts as interstate commerce, well…who knows.

these shows are works of fiction

So now Tom DeLay has his panties in a twist over an episode of Law & Order in which the police are searching for someone in a Tom DeLay t-shirt.

My favorite quote from Dick Wolf: “Up until today, it was my impression that all of our viewers understood that these shows are works of fiction as is stated in each episode.” – DeLay angered by ‘Law & Order’ mention – May 27, 2005

less than important

The thing about blogging is that the longer I go without posting, the more substantial I feel the post that breaks the silence has to be. But I think that I need to get over that feeling, because at this point, the pressure is already so great that I’m not sure I’ll ever have something meaningful enough to say again, and no one wants that. And if you do want that, you should just stop reading right now. So there.

Anyway, at first I was AFK because I accidentally acquired a job, and then I was all busy with finals, and then when finals were over my hours at the accidental job increased, and now Summer classes have started and I’m working and I just have nothing especially interesting to say.

But the hope is that now that I’ve broken the silence, I’ll feel able to post something less than monumental in the near future.


What are you doing this Sunday? That’s what I thought.

Instead of being bored silly, come to the Forum for the CircleFest blues concert and silent auction!

I happened to be in close proximity to the last rehearsal, featuring both student musicians from The Circle School and the very talented folks from the Blues Society, and WOW! The music was amazing, the energy was through the roof, and my excitement grew exponentially. They’ve got four blues bands lined up, including Nate Myers and the Aces, one of the hottest acts in town. It’s going be quite an afternoon.

To summarize, come to the Forum from 2-6 PM on Sunday, May 1st for:

* A great blues fest featuring top area bands (and how often can you do this in a smokefree environment?), and
* great deals on all kinds of things at the silent auction while supporting the only democratic school in PA.

You can order tickets here.