adios santorum

So Santorum has lost, and by a huge margin. Whoo! I wonder which state he’ll live in now.

The thing is, although I was very excited about Santorum losing, I never did get excited about Bob Casey himself, as evidenced by my lack of discussion about it here.

Likewise, I would have been disgusted if Swann beat Rendell, not because I have any particular feelings about Rendell, but because Swann seemed like a joke.

Anyway, right now it’s looking like the Dems will take the House (107 to 88, as of 9:57 PM), but the Senate’s still a toss up. So I’m going to wait for the results for the polls about to close, then head off to bed.

Oh — I was just reminded of one other good thing — Kenneth Blackwell appears to have lost Ohio. Maybe 2008 will be less of a mess.

Thanks for voting, if you did. Even if you voted Republican. I can say that because it looks like it’s all going to work out.

an accumulation

Just because I’m not posting doesn’t mean I’m not accumulating potential things to post about. It does frequently mean I haven’t done enough reading or thinking to feel like I have anything significant to add to the conversation, but today I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and just start typing.

First up, as promised, is an attempt to make Diego feel at home. The Mexican election. I am, of course, a little behind on this one, but since it looks like it won’t be fully resolved until September, I hope you’ll forgive me. The New York Times had an interesting article on Mexico’s Red-Blue split, which is not unlike those in other Western democracies. Northern Mexico, increasingly industrialized and engaged with the US, is more conservative, while the south, very rural and poor, is more liberal. While it does sound like Obrador has a huge commitment to and track record for helping the poor, it continues to sound to me like Calderón might be a better option for long-term economic growth in the country. The south, according to what I’ve read, is very anti-globalization — but southerners are migrating northward in search of the higher-paying jobs globalization has helped to create. Like any good mostly-liberal, I am aware that globalization can have devastating effects on traditional cultures, but at this point it seems naive to try to build an isolated economy. It seems more realistic — and ultimately more effective — to work on safely growing the economy within the larger world market.

Completely changing topics, I have two major loyalty shifts to announce.

I have decided that the time has come to publicly declare my love for Burger King. This is somewhat embarrassing given my previous commitment to McDonald’s, but my silly infatuation with that McDonald’s boy was sophomoric compared to my current feelings. This love extends to the whole Burger King franchise, and I can remain silent no longer. The food is better. They serve frozen Coke. They print funny things on their packaging. And not only am I a sucker for absurd marketing, but it makes me think that somewhere, someone has a job that consists of thinking up witty things to put on hamburger wrappers. It brings a smile to my day. Thank you, Burger King, for defining “baggler” for me, for having nearly perfect french fries, and for putting that little sauce holder in the chicken fries carton. And that cupholder-sized chicken fries carton you were testing in Virginia? Go nationwide with it. Please.

As I abandon the Big Mac, though, I find myself turning to other Macs. The MacBook, that is. I ordered one on Monday, as a birthday gift from my parents, who I was a little worried might disown me when I announced that I wanted a Mac. We have been a family of PC users since the early 80’s, years before the famous Superbowl ad, and we have scoffed together at those Mac fanatics and their ridiculously colored computers and their single-button mice. But, after years of knowing that Windows is no better, I have finally decided that I am ready for something new. I’m working hard to not become a Mac fanatic, at least not before the laptop actually arrives, but I’ve been reading the tutorials and stuff on the Apple site and getting increasingly excited. The estimated delivery date is still almost two weeks away. I’m hoping they give pessimistic estimates. I don’t know if I can make it that long.

south of the border

The current issue of Newsweek has interviews with Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Felipe Calderón, the Mexican presidential candidates. I’ll admit it — I’m an ignorant American — I’d never heard of them.

Anyway, I thought, based on this teeny tiny interview, that Calderón sounded like the saner choice, but my favorite thing he said was this:

I think it’s a mistake to believe that immigration will be solved by the National Guard or a new wall. The only way to reduce immigration is to create jobs in Mexico.

It’s a completely obvious statement, but I think the debate here is polarized between people who want to keep the immigrants out and people who want to let them in. Certainly it’s much easier to act within our own borders — even if it’s not very effective — but it’s not a good reason for ignoring the only approach that has any chance of achieving a long term satisfactory resolution. Maybe we should take what it would cost to build a wall and send the National Guard down there and just invest it in the Mexican economy.

Before you jump all over me, yes, I know it’s not that simple. But seriously. Think about it.

no roving charges

Patrick Fitzgerald has announced that Karl Rove won’t face charges related to the Plame leak. It seemed like something I should mention, but I don’t really know how to feel about it. I mean, it would be great to believe that he really had nothing to do with it, but the information had to come from somewhere.

But speaking of great mysteries, Jeffrey Nielsen, a Mormon and a professor at BYU, was recently fired for writing this editorial, in which he says, “I believe opposing gay marriage and seeking a constitutional amendment against it is immoral.” I was going to try to pull out some highlights, but the whole piece is great, so instead I’ll just recommend reading it.

missing votes

Many thanks to Tim Hodge for sending me the link to this Rolling Stone article penned by Bobby Kennedy, Jr about election fraud in 2004. And you thought this was a dead issue.

The article alleges that “in Ohio alone, at least 357,000 voters, the overwhelming majority of them Democratic, were prevented from casting ballots or did not have their votes counted in 2004 — more than enough to shift the results of an election decided by 118,601 votes.” These are not new allegations, but the thoroughness with which they are documented is new to me. Most striking in my mind are the various kinds of evidence accumulated.

Not only were the exit polls statistically almost impossibly far off in a number of places, but comparisons of votes for presidential candidates didn’t always resemble those cast for other related candidates and measures. That is, in 12 counties in Ohio, “a liberal black judge who supports gay rights and campaigned on a shoestring budget” pulled more votes than Kerry. By 10%. In the rest of the state, he outpolled her by 32%. Furthermore, “Statewide, the president outpolled Thomas Moyer, the Republican judge who defeated Connally, by twenty-one percent. Yet in the twelve questionable counties, Bush’s margin over Moyer was fifty percent.” According to Kennedy, “If Kerry had maintained his statewide margin over Connally in the twelve suspect counties…he would have bested her by 81,260 ballots. That’s a swing of 162,520 votes from Kerry to Bush — more than enough to alter the outcome.” Here’s a graphic overview.

In addition to exit polls and down-ticket candidate performance, Kennedy also cites evidence relating to actions taken by Blackwell, a GOP “strike force” targeting minority voter registrations, other bureaucratic (and probably illegal) barriers to registration, election workers refusing to give out provisional ballots, inequitable distribution of voting machines causing long lines in Democratic areas, faulty equipment, and questionable recounts.

It’s all very disturbing, not only because of the outcome, but because one has to then wonder — what can we do about this? After the 2000 election, an “Election Assistance Commission” was set up “to oversee ongoing reform of American voting.” Rolling Stone has a disheartening interview with the first chair of that commission, Republican DeForest Soaries.

Also from Rolling Stone, Howard Dean says:

What are we going to do about it? It’s frustrating because we don’t control the levers of power. This is going to be a very critical election in 2006. We’re very aware that there’s huge potential for additional mischief in 2006. We have no doubt that some of the folks who were active in vote suppression will be active again. It’s very, very difficult to deal with it. We just have to keep pushing forward doing the best we can. The real question is why the mainstream media won’t write about this.

every other year

Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, the only state that has legalized gay marriage, said the Republican leadership “is asking us to spend time writing bigotry into the Constitution. A vote for it is a vote against civil unions, against domestic partnership, against all other efforts for states to treat gays and lesbians fairly under the law.”

In response, Hatch said: “Does he really want to suggest that over half of the United States Senate is a crew of bigots?” (from the Washington Post)

I don’t know if Kennedy “really wants to suggest” that, but I’d be willing to suggest that almost half of the United States Senate is willing to pander to bigots. As a matter of fact, I think they suggested it themselves by even bringing this to the floor. The motion to end debate was 49-48 — 11 votes short of what was needed to move to an “up or down” vote. I was pleased to see that Specter voted against it.

But that’s all normal election year politics. Here’s something which might actually be worse. In Ohio, the infamous Kenneth Blackwell (the guy who, in 2004, “instructed county boards of elections to reject any registrations on paper of less than 80-pound stock”) is underfire for implementing rules that appear to have hindering voter registration as their goal. It’s hard to say if this is just him, or if the legislature passed a stupid law, but as the NY Times points out, Blackwell is running for governor, and “Mr. Blackwell should hand over responsibility for elections to a decision maker whose only loyalty is to the voters and the law.”

unity next?

A little over two years ago I wrote about a book entitled The Radical Center, by Michael Halstead and Ted Lind. Shortly after I read that book, I added Andrei Cherny’s The Next Deal to my Amazon wishlist, and shortly after that I received it as a gift. And on Friday, I finally read it.

Although the book is subtitled (at least in some editions) “The Future of Public Life in the Information Age”, more than half of it is devoted to tracing the historical origins of the Progressive movement, and only introduces proposals for the future in the last third or so of the book. That’s okay. I’m no expert in American political history, but I was already fairly familiar with most of what Cherny recounts. Even so, I found Cherny’s take fascinating, particularly the parallels he draws between the rise of the Progressive movement in response to the Industrial Revolution, and the needed rise for a new movement in response to the Information Revolution.

The book is a few years old, and was written prior to the 2000 election (I believe it was published in December 2000), so it’s maybe a whole lot more optimistic than it would be were it written today. Nonetheless, although we’re no longer in the euphoria of a balanced budget or an administration clearly trying to move the country forward, I was reminded that the fundamental underpinnings of our society are not so different from what they were five and a half years ago. While terrorism and national security and Iraq will always be part of the discussion in ways they weren’t in 2000, our key domestic issues remain largely unchanged — despite the fact that politicians continue to ignore them.

When Cherny does talk about contemporary politics, his emphasis is on citizen and choice-centered policies — and then adds an interesting twist and proposes mandatory service, either civilian or military, of all 18ish year-olds. With the exception of the last idea — which I’m having trouble wrapping my brain around enough to even be able to seriously consider — Cherny’s proposals about education, Social Security, and healthcare are, I think, all moving in the right direction. The specific proposals, though, are not the main reason I’d recommend reading the book. Rather, I recommend reading it for the history lesson, and for the reminder that we should be evaluating 2008 candidates on more than their stance on Iraq and abortion.

Which brings me to my next topic: Unity08. From their website:

We’re a movement to take our country back from polarizing politics. In 2008, we’ll select and elect a Unity Ticket to the White House— one Democrat, one Republican, in whatever order, or independents committed to a Unity team.

The idea, as I understand it, is to force the major parties to focus on those issues that actually matter most to Americans, rather than pandering to the extremes of both sides. Also from their website:

Unity08 divides issues facing the country into two categories: Crucial Issues – on which America’s future safety and welfare depend; and Important Issues – which, while vital to some, will not, in our judgment, determine the fate or future of the United States.

In our opinion, Crucial Issues include: Global terrorism, our national debt, our dependence on foreign oil, the emergence of India and China as strategic competitors and/or allies, nuclear proliferation, global climate change, the corruption of Washington’s lobbying system, the education of our young, the health care of all, and the disappearance of the American Dream for so many of our people.

By contrast, we consider gun control, abortion and gay marriage important issues, worthy of debate and discussion in a free society, but not issues that should dominate or even crowd our national agenda.

In our opinion – since the disintegration of the Soviet Union – our political system seems to have focused more attention on the “important issues” than the “crucial issues.” One result: The political parties have been built to address the interests of their “base” but have failed to address the realities that impact most Americans.

Will this work? Who knows. But it is getting plenty of coverage in both mainstream outlets and the blogosphere. And as Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter points out, “With an issue as eye-glazing as the deficit, a wacky, jug-eared Texan named Ross Perot received 19 percent of the vote in 1992 and 7 percent in 1996. He did it with “Larry King Live” and an 800 number.”

footnotes for cliffs notes

I am, at least theoretically, writing a paper about language usage in The Daily Show and NBC’s Nightly News. To begin, I typed up transcripts of the respective episodes aired on Thursday, April 27th. I was hoping that the differences in language would jump out at me once I’d completed that tedious task and the 8-10 page paper would write itself from there. Instead of language differences, though, what I noticed most was a content difference. The Daily Show covered a lot more news.

Brian Williams was reporting from New Orleans. Most of the stories centered on New Orleans — mostly, will the levees be ready for the coming hurricane season, and should FEMA be dismantled. The other two big stories were about gas prices and the Sago mine survivor.

The Daily Show mentioned Rove’s court appearance, Rumsfeld & Rice’s visit to Iraq, the president’s approval ratings, the Ken Lay trial, the New Orleans mayoral race, new tapes from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Osama bin Laden, Zacarias Moussaoui’s sentencing, and the appointment of FOX News commentator Tony Snow to White House Press Secretary. Granted, it didn’t cover any of these topics in any depth, but it was a much better overview of what’s going on in the world than was offered by the Nightly News.

According to FootnoteTV, “A 2004 study found that 21 percent of young people regularly were getting their campaign news from comedy shows like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Saturday Night Live.” No wonder, if shows like these are the only places where actual news gets any air time.

FootnoteTV’s solution? Provide footnotes for shows like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Saturday Night Live, and even West Wing, among others.

Watch funny news, read bite-sized footnotes on, and be better informed than those watching the “real” news. Ah, the 21st century.

anti-gay marriage amendment

A vote on the proposed “anti-marriage amendment” is expected Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. According to the Pennsylvania Gay and Lesbian Alliance, the amendment would:

1. Prohibit same-sex marriages in PA forever – even if a majority of Pennsylvanians supported same-sex marriage.
2. Prohibit recognition of same-sex marriages performed other states.
3. Render Philadelphia’s Life Partnership Ordinance invalid and unconstitutional.
4. Prohibit local goverments from offering domestic partnership benefits to their employees. Currently Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Montgomery County offer their employees domestic partnership benefits.
5. Prohibit universities from offering domestic partnership benefits to their employees.
6. Prohibit protection from abuse orders from being issued to non married persons.

Yesterday I sent an email to my representative through the PA-GALA website, and plan to call him today. If you’re a Pennsylvania resident, I urge you to do the same.

power laws

Completely extracurricularly (although I am in class right now, I’ve just already finished today’s assignment; the class is called Writing in Digital Environments, I figure this is an acceptable use of time), I’ve been reading about Power laws. This is the idea that 20% of the population holds 80% of the wealth, or that 20% of blogs get 80% of the links.

It was actually the latter idea that made me start thinking about Power laws. Unfortunately, I don’t remember where I got link to begin with. Oh well.

But anyway, in the course of my online perusing, I found a New Yorker article by Malcom Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point and Blink; I haven’t read either) about Power laws and social problems.

An illustration:

Between 1986 and 1990, 21% of LAPD officers were responsible for 100% of the “allegations of excessive force or improper tactics”. Of these, 77% of the officers had only 1 or 2 allegations made against them. So only 3% of LAPD officers were responsible for most of the allegations.

The primary focus of Gladwell’s article is on homelessness, and offers some interesting ideas.

Mostly, I think it’s really interesting that our normal mental model of a bell curve might not be as universally applicable as we often think it is.

And there’s the bell. Time to go take a linguistics test.