I just spent the drive home from Westminster thinking about, among other things, what I would blog now that I no longer have anything I can point to as more pressing. I figured I’d write something about how it feels to have written my last (undergraduate) paper, what my McDaniel experience has meant to me, and what the hell I’m going to do with my life. It turns out that all I want to do is veg.
If you haven’t gleaned it already, today I completed the last of my work for the last of my classes. I also tied up all kinds of loose ends related to a number of extracurricular activities, checked my campus mailbox, and cleared the remaining balance off my student debit card (which cannot be converted to cash) via the purchase of a sweatshirt.
All that’s left is the graduation ceremony, a week from tomorrow. For now, I’m going to go do something mindless.
i fully support this mindless activity.
i for one would be working on editing a thing for dobson right now, but gmail is giving me ambiguous error codes and that makes me sad.
Congratulations, kid. Enjoy it.