I leave tomorrow (well, today, really) morning for Wisconsin for the rest of the week. Jancey and I are checking out Beloit College in the hopes that it will either be so wonderful that we will not mind spending the next few years in Wisconsin, or bad enough that we can be relieved that we don’t have to move to Wisconsin. Either way, it should be a good trip. I’ve never been to the state, so I get to check another one off my list. Woohoo.
Anyway, I don’t know what kind of internet access I’ll have while there, so I might not post again until the weekend. I know you’ll miss me.
My parting tidbit — looks like Bush picked Condi to replace Powell. This means, presumably, that any tempering effect the Secretary of State had over the last four years will no longer be applicable. One interesting note — Bush Sr’s SoS thinks it’s a bad move.